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5 tips for the nail to grow fast

5 tips for the nail to grow fast and one of them has only 2 ingredients.

Having beautiful, strong, shiny and well-kept nails is not an easy task.

It would be great to make your nails grow fast and never break.


The nails suffer from external aggressions because they are constantly exposed, such as changes in temperature or the action of chemical agents present in cleaning products.

But, as they are always visible, this type of problem does not go well in terms of appearance.

How are your nails?

Are they fragile and growing slowly?

Do not worry.

Here are the tips for your nails to grow fast:

Not being a matter of health or lack of nutrients, the treatments we are going to teach now should solve the problem easily.

And they are all made with natural ingredients that you can find in any supermarket.

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After the video we have the complete summary for you.

1. Garlic tonic – 5 tips for the nail to grow fast

5 tips for the nail to grow fast

Boil a cup (tea) of garlic.

Add, when the water boils, a bruised garlic clove.

Wait a while and turn off the fire.

Let cool.

Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to this mixture when it cools and stir.

Transfer to an empty, clean enamel bottle.

Use on your nails every night before bed.

The next morning, wash your hands thoroughly with water.

An excellent tip if you are uncomfortable with the smell of garlic on your hands, is to rub them on a chrome tap.

The contact will remove the garlic smell almost immediately.

2. Lemon juice compress – 5 tips for your nail to grow fast

5 tips for the nail to grow fast
5 tips for the nail to grow fast

Lemon is great at strengthening and growing nails due to its high levels of vitamin C, which help to regenerate cells.

Squeeze a lemon, wet a cotton or cotton swab with this juice and then carefully rub each nail.

Wait 15 minutes, then remove with plenty of water.

Do this treatment at night.

If you have a cut on the skin of the nail area, the lemon juice will burn a little.

But it passes quickly and the lemon juice will even help to heal.


And everything will be perfect. A success!

3. Olive oil bath

Extra virgin olive oil, due to its tonic and moisturizing properties, is a great ally to strengthen and grow nails.

5 tips for the nail to grow fast
5 tips for the nail to grow fast

In addition, treatment with it is very simple.

You should only put your nails in a container with olive oil for 15 minutes, every day, for a month.

Once you complete a month of treatment, you will continue to perform this procedure, but only twice a week.

It’s not just for food, health and hair, see ?!

Olive oil will be a hit on your nails.

4. Nail massage

Do you think that massaging your nails is of no use?

5 tips for the nail to grow fast
5 tips for the nail to grow fast

However, it is just the opposite: this action is very effective to strengthen and grow nails.

Helps to stimulate blood flow, improving circulation in the region.

Daily massage your hands and nails with a good moisturizer.

Ideally, you should do this right after washing your hands with soap and water.

Preferably do twice a day.

When you get up in the morning and at night before bed.

You may not have time to do both, but try to do it at least once a day.

5. Cucumber cream – 5 tips for the nail to grow fast

5 tips for the nail to grow fast
5 tips for the nail to grow fast

Cucumber is recognized worldwide for its cosmetic benefits. And one of the reasons for this is its strong moisturizing action, which softens and improves the appearance of the skin.

Do you want to use cucumber to strengthen your nails and boost their growth?

It’s simple: chop a cucumber and put it in a blender (complete, with peel and seeds).

Beat well until the consistency of a cream.

Put this cream in a container and apply it to your nails.

Wait for 10 minutes.

In addition to these tips, take care of the food.

Nails need certain nutrients to stay strong. Consume foods rich in zinc, amino acids, iodine, calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B and C.

And also avoid biting your nails, as this weakens them a lot.

This is a tip on home treatments. He does not replace a specialist. Always consult your doctor.

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5 tips for the nail to grow fast


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