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Your kitchen will be fragrant and flies will be far away with this incredible tip!

How to scare flies out of the kitchen? – The smell of food is one of the most difficult things to get out of the kitchen.

The smell of garlic and onion is not only impregnated in your hands but its smell also spreads throughout the house.

Now you don’t have to worry anymore because this tip that you will learn will help a lot to eliminate the strong smell from your kitchen.

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how to scare flies from the kitchen

Let’s see the recipe on how to scare flies from the kitchen in the video below from our channel, enjoy and subscribe to receive the news.

Learn how to scare flies out of the kitchen

You will still be surprised to follow this tip, as it will leave a perfume in the air, ending the smell of food and breaking it will scare the flies away.

Your kitchen will have an incredible perfume and no sign of flies around.

It seems a lie but it is not, and yet to complete, this homemade tip is extremely simple to do.

Here is what you need:

You will need the following ingredients:

  • An empty spray bottle
  • Three spoons of fabric softener (Downy example)
  • Three glasses of hot water
  • One tablespoon of baking soda


  1. First, in the empty spray bottle, add 3 tablespoons of fabric softener.
  2. After that, you should fill the spray with 3 cups of hot water.
  3. And now, you need to add a tablespoon of baking soda.
  4. Be sure to shake the bottle and spray well first in a test area to make sure it will not stain or that the stains remain.
  5. Note: you can use the spray in your kitchen, but also in other rooms in your home.

I’m sure you like it, don’t you?

Summer soon arrives and with the increase in temperature the flies increase as well.

But now that you’ve learned how to scare flies out of the kitchen, the problem is over.

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scare off kitchen flies

Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ)

como espantar moscas da cozinha

Pesquise as principais dúvidas sobre esta dica.

Esta receita realmente funciona?

Sim, a combinação dos ingredientes perfuma e ao mesmo tempo inibe a presença de moscas.

Esta mistura é um inseticida?

Não! Ela apenas perfuma e ao fazer isso, as moscas ficam inibidas de permanecer no local pulverizado.

Posso usar em outros cômodos da casa?

Sim. Você pode usar a vontade nos demais cômodos da sua casa para perfuma-los.

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